HoloGirlsVR.com Review

    • Hot and famous porn stars.
    • Good quality videos.
    • Frequent updates.
    • Creative approach to VR.
    • 220° and 270° fields of view.
    • Free VR headset with your membership.
    •  Not a big content database.
    • The older videos were shot in 30 fps
    • with lower resolution than the more recent ones.
    • Poor design of members area makes it feel cheap.
Editor Rating
Amount of content 60%
Video Quality 80%
Updates Frequency 100%
Total Score 80%
Bottom Line

Holo Girls VR is one of those companies that, based on their budget, frequently updated content and use of more recognizable American names, has a bright future. It’s still not as immersive as the top sites, but they have original approaches to virtual reality and it’s definitely worth it to keep an eye on them.

Based in the U.S., Holo Girls VR boasts top American porn stars, which tends to attract larger crowds.

But aside from the A-list starlets, there are a few things that set Holo Girls VR apart. One of them is their use of 220° and 270° fields of view — broader than the industry standard of 180°. They also have a few 360° scenes available.

Another great thing is their update schedule: two, and sometimes three times a week, which has compensated a bit for their somewhat late entry into VR.

The user interface is fairly simple and it’s got all the features you might need, including a (rarely seen with other companies) recommended position for you to view the scene. For example, they offer an upskirts collections, and recommed these videos be watched lying stretched out on your back. It's a pretty creative approach to VR porn.

All productions are accompanied by downloadable previews, so you can check out the scene before committing to it. Some of them, though, have more teasing than action, which can be a bit frustrating, until your remember there are other videos that will likely finish the job for you.

For a while, they used a frame rate of 30 fps, and there’s a significant difference with the more recent scenes at 60 fps. The resolution wasn’t the best at the start either, but they’ve been improving.

The price is reasonable for the short-term options, but if you try to sign up for a whole year it’s almost double ($180) what a 12-month membership will cost you with any other VR studio. You should also be aware that all memberships are recurring, so if you want to cancel at any point, it’s best you remember to do so.

With your Holo Girls VR membership, you also get a free VR headset (VR Box 2.)


  • 3D
  • 220°, 270° and 360°
  • Binaural Sound
  • 60 fps and 30 fps
  • 3840 x 1920 max. resolution


  • $ 19.95 for 1 month
  • $ 53.95 for 3 months
  • $ 179.95 for 1 year


Holo Girls VR is one of those companies that, based on their budget, frequently updated content and use of more recognizable American names, has a bright future. It’s still not as immersive as the top sites, but they have original approaches to virtual reality and it’s definitely worth it to keep an eye on them.

Added on: 2016-05-30 03:06:49